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Who are our knitters?

Getting to know knitters

Laine Magazine, a knitting magazine distributed worldwide, recently published the findings of a survey conducted primarily with European and US knitters. The survey found that most in their community of knitters are over 45 years of age, want to be challenged and learn new techniques in their knitting, and want their craft to be respected, rid of stereotypes, and taught to younger generations. Read on to see how the Laine community responses compare to those from a similar survey we conducted with our June Cashmere community about a year ago. The parallels are interesting!

Even though the two surveys didn't word questions in quite the same way, I believe we can draw similar conclusions as to who makes up our knitting communities and what our knitters want to make. 

Who are our knitters?

The knitters of both communities are roughly the same age and engage in a variety of making skills.


June Cashmere















Other skills our knitters engage

June Cashmere




















1% each



What do our knitters want to make?

Both communities want a challenge. Nearly 100% of the June Cashmere knitters want to be challenged and learn new techniques in their knitting with most saying  'it's only sometimes true' that they want a quick and easy knitting project. For Laine knitters, the findings were similar:  83% want to learn new techniques and challenge themselves in knitting, while only 17% want their knitting to be easy and relaxing above all. 

Among the preferred techniques either to learn (June Cashmere) or engage (Laine), Colorwork is at the top.

Alpine Cowl by Tayler Harris

Techniques to learn and engage

June Cashmere


Colorwork (including Fair Isle)


Getting the proper sweater fit

Textural Stitch Patterns

Finishing Techniques





Stockinette Stitch

Fad Fashion? Not here!

The June Cashmere community overwhelmingly want to make classic designs that will last and only somewhat want trends to enter into their knitting. When Laine knitters were asked, Are you interested in fashion trends, and do they affect your knitting?, the majority said no:  

50% a little bit or not at all

9% not at all

40% somewhat

Desired projects


Guess what?! June Cashmere and Laine knitters listed the same top projects to make, albeit in a different order. Laine's community weren't asked about using a specific yarn for a project; our community answered in the context of knitting with our cashmere. However, when asked in an opened-ended question about what projects you would make next, June Cashmere knitters overwhelmingly replied, 'sweaters.'

Desired projects

June Cashmere












What yarns do our knitters want to use?

Laine knitters (97% of them) want to use animal-based fibers in their knitting, listing wool, merino and . . . cashmere! Of course the June Cashmere knitters already are making with 100% Kyrgyz cashmere yarn. 

Both communities prefer fingering weight yarn over DK and 44% of Laine knitters say that sustainability aspects (such as animal welfare and carbon footprint) are very important to them when buying yarn. About 41% say that sustainability issues are moderately important. Hey Laine knitters, check out June Cashmere! 

Final thoughts on today's knitters

At the end of Laine's knitting survey report, they shared participants' thoughts about the future of knitting. Two comments (found here: Laine Survey Results) especially resonated with me: 

“I hope we can stop churning out fast projects with chunky yarn and return to slow knitting with intricate detail and difficult patterns.”

“I’d hope to see traditions cherished and kept alive while adding innovation.” 

Recently in one of our Knitting Together Zoom sessions (check it out and join us!), one of the participants shared her concerns that knitting would become a lost craft. An attendee in her 30s (knitting baby blankets for her friends) felt that the craft is being passed down to her generation, and if we can believe social media, I think we can see this especially in crochet. 

In a world where we as consumers sends thousands of pounds of short-lasting, synthetic, 'fast' fashion to the landfills each year, we as knitters are in the position to teach others. By the looks of these two surveys, we are an older group and we can guide younger generations to the fulfilling world of making - especially knitting. In fact, the young person I referred to at our Knitting Together had learned to knit in just the last couple of years from her partner's mother! Yippee!

I believe the younger generations don't want to be contributing to the throw-away fashion world. Again, if we can believe social media, it seems there is a core group that wants to experience natural fibers. At the very least, they have embraced second hand clothing shopping as a way to get more life out of clothing before it's tossed.

I really want younger generations to know how satisfying it was once to shop for clothing - items were made to last from natural, compostable, breathable fibers. You could wear them for years because the quality and styles didn't wear out. I want younger people to know just how satisfying it is to make what you wear, to problem solve and grow in skill, to become more aware of fibers, sustainability in craft, and the fiber traditions that individuals (mostly women) had to know little more than a century ago so that everyone would be clothed. 

As for the results of these two surveys, I have a plan. I already am learning all I can from Kim McBrien Evans on being able to design inclusive-sizing sweaters and guide knitters on how to get the fit you want every time. I'm really excited about ensuring our community is supported with this information. 

I'm also focusing on some fresh colorwork patterns for Fall and Winter. I, too, want to do more with combining the hues in June Cashmere's beautiful color palette with a variety of colorwork techniques. 

I will keep sharing the story of why our yarn exists. We say here that 'It's more than yarn.' We manufacture our yarn to offer economic development and support to shepherds in Kyrgyzstan. We sustainably, ethically, and transparently mill a cashmere yarn that will last our makers a lifetime. We strive to offer community, support in making, and exceptional customer service to our makers.

While I will continue to develop classic patterns for our current community, I'm going to work to meet younger generations where they are - concerned about environment, wanting to learn to crochet or knit and to use a yarn that does good in the world so that this beautiful tradition of knitting continues for generations to come. 

What about you, dear knitters? Can you identify a younger person to share your skill of knitting with? 

Until next time, find joy in knitting with our cashmere yarn!

Warmly, Amy

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